Phase I
Phase I ESAs identify environmental conditions that may impact property value, landowner liability, and may be required by your lender. VET’s team has performed hundreds of Phase I ESAs and stands ready to assist you.
Phase II
Phase II ESAs evaluate Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) identified during a Phase I to identify impacts to soil or groundwater. VET’s practical and cost-effective Phase II approach will streamline your transaction.
VET employs a practical, cost-effective, and defensible remediation strategy that seeks to optimize benefits for your business while considering stakeholder objectives, future land use goals, and liability.

Demolition design requires an integrated approach that ensures stakeholders are informed, environmental media are handled appropriately, effective communication is employed, necessary notifications are submitted, and permits obtained. VET’s team will design a plan that’s right for you.
Asbestos is used in myriad industries, in thousands of products, and is linked with human health effects including asbestosis and several cancers. VET’s team of licensed asbestos building inspectors can assess your space and provide recommendations to maximize safety and minimize cost.
Lead Paint
Lead is used in countless anthropogenic applications and is common in paints. VET’s lead surveys evaluate paints on surfaces for the presence or absence of lead and can apply both state-of-the-art XRF technology or paint chip sampling. VET’s survey will help determine the surfaces that contain lead so you can protect your people.

Radon levels above thresholds, estimated in 1 of 15 American homes, are a top cause of lung cancer in non-smokers. Mitigation is warranted if thresholds are exceeded. VET can establish radon levels in your home to help keep you safe.
Vapor Intrusion
Vapor intrusion is the process where volatile chemical contaminants in soil or groundwater migrate into indoor spaces creating exposure hazards. VET uses state-of-the-art equipment and methods to evaluate and remediate your indoor air.
Mold is the largest contributor to poor indoor air quality. Our knowledgeable technicians, state-of-the-art monitoring equipment, and thorough analyses of our findings ensure you have the information necessary for effective decision making.

Storm Water
Industrial facilities and construction projects can affect storm water quality and are required to establish a SWPPP. VET can help you develop a meaningful, common sense solution to prevent pollutants from entering storm water.
Spill Prevention
SPCC Plans promote oil spill prevention and control procedures and are required for facilities with capacity to store over 1,320 gallons of petroleum. VET prepares SPCC plans and develops practical strategies to help you comply.
VET prepares custom safety training programs using proprietary training and inspection materials and state-of-the-art web-based software. We can build a practical, affordable, and user friendly safety program that is right for you.

Releases from underground storage tanks (USTs) can contaminate surrounding soil and groundwater and cause indoor air contamination through vapor intrusion. VET’s experienced team can assist with your unique situation.
Investigation evaluates the soil or groundwater beneath a property for known releases or when a Phase I recommends further investigation. VET’s sophisticated equipment and approach generates quality data for your job.
A brownfield is a property that is either abandoned, inactive, or may not be operated at its designated usage due to the presence of contamination, hazardous materials, or petroleum that pose a threat to human health and the environment.

Accurate identification of wetland boundaries is crucial to direct development projects and informed land acquisition. VET’s team of professionals is experienced with applicable regulations and can help guide your decision.
Water Resources
Permits are required to impact state- or federally-regulated wetlands, streams, lakes, and ponds – often a time-consuming and costly process. VET’s experience with the Clean Water Act (Section 401/404) can streamline your process.
GIS Mapping
Effective use of GIS software opens up infinite possibilities for expressing data in an efficient visual format. VET’s talented GIS Analysts present important information using compelling graphics to guide decisions for your project.

IL Greencar
The Illinois Green Certified Automotive Recycler (IL Green CAR) Program seeks to unite and protect Illinois’ auto recyclers committed to exceptional environmental and safety standards.
The Indiana Certified Automotive Recycler Exemplary Standards (INCARES) Program seeks to unite and protect Indiana’s auto recyclers committed to exceptional environmental and safety standards.
The Pennsylvania Certified Automotive Recycler Exemplary Standards (PennCARES) Program seeks to unite and protect Pennsylvania’s auto recyclers committed to exceptional environmental and safety standards.