Compliance Software: Efficiency through Technology

In today’s world, advancements in technology are happening all around us. The internet acts as an online marketplace, allowing for connections and sales to be made across the country and globe in seconds. Most, if not all, of you have a website where potential customers can view your inventory and make a purchase. You may have inventory software used to catalogue parts and run sales reports. You most likely have a smart phone or tablet that provides mobile internet access at your fingertips. You may have a GPS that calculates and navigates the fastest possible driving route based on up - to - date traffic and construction data. All of these things are made possible due to advancements in technology and they all have one thing in common – they enable us to do more with less time. Technology is a means to efficiency and efficiency is a means to growth. So why is an environmental girl going on about computers and internet instead of blabbering about trees, birds, and bunnies? Because we want to help your business be the most it can be while keeping you compliant and protecting you from regulatory penalties. And…bunnies.

VET offers Environmental Compliance and Safety Training Software that will provide your business with what it needs to maintain compliance efficiently. We know it is difficult running a business and keeping up with all of the environmental and safety inspections and trainings. We know that running a business is a juggling act and that some things are occasionally dropped to make time for the tasks that keep the doors open and put food on the table. This is why we went looking for technology that will make compliance simple and effective. What we’ve built is a system that will help you complete your compliance needs on time and in an efficient manner, allowing you peace of mind and more time to focus on the business tasks.

The Software Capabilities Rundown:

 Provides site specific trainings and inspections.

 Frees you of the time to perform compliance tasks by allowing delegation to employees. Business owners are notified via email if compliance tasks are not performed on time.

 Sends reminder emails to ensure inspections and trainings are completed on time.

 Automatically emails inspections and training materials to you.

 Stores completed inspections and trainings in an online database that can be accessed anytime and anywhere with an internet connection.

 Provides unlimited private and secure cloud storage for compliance documents and records.

 Stores a back-up of important compliance documents and records in case of emergency.

 Allows management of multiple facilities from one online portal.

Our software is a prime example of technology enabling efficiency. We are proud to say that it has been employed across 16 states. Illinois Certified Automotive Recyclers Exemplary Standards (Green CAR) members make up a good portion of our software users, so ask them about their experience with the software or give us a call! It’s time to bring your compliance up to speed with today’s technology.

Got Compliance?

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