
A brownfield is a property that is either abandoned, inactive, or may not be operated at its designated usage due to the presence of contamination, hazardous materials, or petroleum that pose a threat to human health and the environment. VET’s team can help you assess and identify your property, create a plan for required action-steps, and lead you through the remediation process.

Brownfields are assessed through Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs). VET assesses possible contamination at properties ranging from former housing and residential areas to gas stations, former dry cleaners, automotive recycling, and mining operations. Building components, former operations, and illegal dumping at inactive sites are all potential sources of contamination at brownfields. Lead, asbestos, petroleum, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are all commonly encountered contaminants at brownfields. There is no “one size fits all” solution for brownfield assessment and clean up. VET’s team of professionals is equipped to implement thorough investigations and cost-efficient solutions for the diverse range of contamination that may be found at a brownfield, tailored to our clients’ needs and budget.

Cleaning up a brownfield will allow the property to be developed for safe reuse and can increase property values in the surrounding area. Clean up activities may include installing soil caps, removing problematic tanks, excavating contaminated soil, and other contaminant-specific abatement or remediation. Contact us using the form below with details about how we can help you, and we will be happy to discuss next steps!


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